Caring Ministries

To be human is to seek meaningful companionship with others, not only to share the everyday experiences of life but also to belong to a people that celebrate individual joys and mourn individual sorrows. Caring for one another is a cornerstone of congregational life at Cedar Lane.

As relationships develop and strengthen between people, much of the love and support Cedar Lane offers is informal, gestures of support and concern between friends during difficult times. But caring for one another is also a spiritual practice, something the congregation offers as an expression of our shared compassion and faith. Here is an overview of the intentional ways Cedar Lane members and friends give and receive care:

Pastoral Prayer

If you are going through a life challenge, bereavement, loss, change of life status, or would like us to hold a loved one in prayer or mindful reflection, you can email our pastoral care team at and your request will be held in care and confidence by the prayer team.

Sharing Joys & Sorrows

Have a pastoral care need or update? 

Please call our pastoral care line at 301-493-8300 x208 or email

Have you ever wondered how member news is announced to the congregation? Our Caring Ministry Team and ministers hear about them throughout the week and weekend, and then our team compiles them during the week and submits them for our weekly eNews publication. Our weekly Worship Associate reads them from the eNews as well as any others that the ministers pass along and they are read aloud in worship on Sundays.

So how do you get something recognized?  It's easy!  Just let any of the Caring Ministry Team Visitors know by calling our pastoral care line at 301-493-8300 x208 or email them at What do we include? Anything that's weighing on you, anything you'd like prayers or blessings for, or anything that you're celebrating and would like to share with our Cedar Lane community, births, marriages, promotions, good news, anything. Remember that we can only publish something we have permission to share, so if it's about another Cedar Lane member, it might not be able to go in until we've gotten their permission. Please do feel to share and helps us to nurture our Beloved Community.


Upcoming Events

April 26 AT 2:00 pm
April 27 AT 8:30 am
April 27 AT 9:30 am
April 28 AT 9:00 am
April 28 AT 9:45 am
April 28 AT 10:00 am