Choosing Joy! DRUUMM public worship service Wed. May 8 2024 8pm Rev. Ali K.C. Bell Saunder Choi

DRUUMM Worship Service

May 8, 2024
8:00 pm to 9:15 pm

Each year DRUUMM holds a worship service that is open to all. As our ministry and membership grows, this worship is also our major fundraiser to support DRUUMMs pastoral care, community organizing, and antiracism work and a new Fellowship for seminarians and young organizers. 

Worship is grounded in the theme of Choosing Joy! Living with Intentionality and Purpose. Be with us as we explore sustaining joy amidst adversity, inspired by Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Discover how a joyful heart can be your sanctuary, even when spirits are tested. A celebration of resilience, purpose, and the healing power of joy. 

You are an important part of this community. We hope you will join us and share the word with your networks.