Forum - UN at 75: Is It Still Relevant?

October 25, 2020
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi

United Nations at 75. In celebration of the UN’s 75 anniversary, Rachel Pittman, Executive Director of the United Nations Association of the USA, will discuss the UN’s role in the world during the morning service at 11:00 am.

Later on in the day, join us for an open discussion Forum inviting questions and discussion on the topic: “UN AT 75: IS IT STILL RELEVANT?”

Panelists will include Bruce Knotts, Director, Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the United Nations; Ambassador Don Bliss (ret), past president of the UNA-National Capitol Area; and Marlene Berg, Cedar Lane Envoy to the UUA Office at the UN.

All are welcome.

Link for 11am Sunday Service: